Here at the end of December, we stand at the threshold of endings and beginnings. This season marks the close of the year and the festive celebrations of Christmas. This is a time of Both/And. It’s the end of one year and the dawn of a new year. 

This time of the year also invites us to appreciate the darkness and the light.

In the northern hemisphere, longer nighttime and shorter daytime beckon us to recognize the beauty within the quiet embrace of darkness—a time for rest, introspection, and the germination of potential. The darkness offers sanctuary. It invites us to reflect. It allows us to imagine new possibilities and prepare for a new year.

The Both/And of light and darkness is particularly poignant for those of us who are Christians. The Christ child, the Savior, came into the world in the quiet of the night. This was the “good news.” It was during the night that angels, shining in glory,, appeared to the shepherds. 

During the Christmas season candles flicker, homes shimmer with decorations, and communities create light displays. These lights shine more brilliantly in the dark of night.

Leadership is a Both/And reality.

Leadership is navigating challenges and opportunities. Strength emerges through difficulties. Growth unfolds out of struggle. 

The women we serve at Impact Now embrace the fact that challenge and opportunity co-exist. These women demonstrate strength in the face of difficulty. They shine their light even in the night.

Please join us in celebrating this season of Both/And and donate to Impact Now.

Your donation helps to light the way as women leaders navigate the complexities of their roles.

This holiday season, please join us in the spirit of Both/And. Rest in the darkness. Rejoice in the light. 

Visit here to contribute to our end-of-year campaign. 

May your holidays be filled with the warmth of Both/And, and may the coming year shine brightly for you.