In a world that needs compassion, dedication, and leadership, Adria Mahinduzi is hard at work in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Adria’s efforts and commitment to her work as a disability support specialist impacts those she directly works with and ripples out to the local community. Impact Now recently had the privilege to interview Adria to learn more about her journey of transformation and the positive influence of her work in the DRC.

What is your job, and what does it involve?

I am a missionary in the Democratic Republic of Congo with United World Mission, an organization which trains and partners with local leaders. I have just finished a three-year contract with Congo Initiative in Beni, DRC. My husband and I are currently transitioning to a different city in Eastern DR Congo. 

My role with Congo Initiative has been as the Disabilities Support Specialist, which essentially means I am a connector of people and resources. I specifically serve in a bilingual primary school, equipping a team of teachers to integrate students with learning disabilities into their classroom. I also serve in a trauma counseling center, facilitating support groups for families affected by disability. This work is so important because in this part of the world, people with disabilities and their families are often considered as cursed, and therefore pushed to the edges of society, left to fend for themselves and carry their burdens alone. Together with some wonderful Congolese colleagues, we are working to bring these families into community with each other where we believe hope and healing truly happen.

Adria headshot against a brick wall.What impact or transformation are you seeing through your work in your community?

I’ve had a front-row seat to the transformational effect this work has had on the community, but I’ll just share a few of my favorite stories now. 

While participating in our support group, two little boys began walking, and one young girl gained enough confidence in herself to begin attending school for the first time. 

One time, a few of my colleagues and I were talking about some of the kids we work with. As the conversation went on, I realized that [my colleagues] believed these three children had been cursed, but somehow each of their different curses manifested itself with similar facial features. From my modest experience and training, I knew these children had a common genetic disorder. But my colleagues, who are educated, had only ever been told that disabilities are probably just different forms of a curse. I showed them photos of people around the world with this genetic disorder, and watched as their faces changed, and they realized it can’t possibly be a curse. The information I gave them, as their friend and leader, shifted their perception of disabilities. 

How has Impact Now helped you help others?

Last year, I wanted to grow as a leader, but needed somebody to walk alongside me in that process. When Mary Henton came to DRC and told me about Impact Now, I immediately jumped in. I took advantage of almost every Impact Now workshop, and benefitted from professional coaching for a few months. During one workshop, we were given a tool to assist with task execution and I find myself going back to that often when facing multiple tasks at once! 

Another way Impact Now has helped me become a better leader was during one coaching call, I remember explaining to my coach, T. C. Motzkus, this idea I had. She helped me break it down into actionable steps, and kept me accountable to that plan of action! I’ll be growing in my ability to lead my whole life, but I’m so grateful for how Impact Now is making that a fun process, while cultivating a community of women from around the world who are walking in the same direction together!

What is your main takeaway from your coaching with Impact Now?

My Impact Now coach gently coached into me the capacity to see that I can effectively lead people, even if I don’t feel like I’m a natural leader, and my dreams are not necessarily in that direction. She helped me see that I am making an impact in people’s lives and those in their spheres of influence, just by offering to them what I have been given. Merci, asante, thank you, Impact Now!

It has been a joy to partner with Adria in the transformational work she is doing as the Disability Support Specialist in DRC. Adria’s  work is an inspiration to us all, reminding us of the profound impact one individual can have in creating positive change in the world. We will be sharing more of her story this week on social media as well as interviewing her live on Instagram/Facebook at XX time on XX date. 

Don’t forget to participate in our Giving Tuesday Campaign Giveaway. And please share Adria’s story on social media or with another female leader in your life.


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