Leadership is all about growth. Sometimes that means stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new challenges. The goal of NYOTA, our collaborative initiative with Université Chrétienne Bilingue du Congo (UCBC), is to support women leaders as they develop skills and confidence to have a positive impact in their organizations and their communities. Linda Anokamba Etoy, Humanitarian and Development Agent and Executive at the Union of Domestic Workers of Congo (UFEDOC) is one of the NYOTA cohort members. She recently shared how NYOTA is making a difference in her life and work

Hello Mary, I’m  happy to communicate with you through this forum [WhatsApp] which gives us the opportunity to stay connected. It’s amazing🤩.  


NYOTA has already had a significant impact on my professional life and my life as a Mom. Nyota has had a significant impact on the development of my skills and self-confidence.


Elements from the first two modules have enriched my own professional career and also positively influenced my team and my organization as a whole, as I’ve shared my experiences with my colleagues.


I’ve learned two important strategies to help me manage work and personal life while creating a meaningful impact in both areas: technology and continuous learning.


I had the courage to teach some of the content about work/life balance from our first module to my colleagues. These exchanges with colleagues showed them how to not be thieves of others’ time. Now, people are planning their time and respecting others’, and everyone manages to achieve 60% of their planning. The performance of our team is promising. This star [NYOTA]  is starting to shine even beyond our cohort. Let’s say that this is my strategy to improve my leadership: invest in my collaborators and partners.


Personally, I knew I was not a strong speaker. Speaking in front of people I don’t know is not an easy thing for me. Having learned that we can influence through our actions, I challenged my fears. During a planning  meeting for the International Day of African Women on July 31 on African Values ​​and Leadership in the Empowerment of Women, I stepped out of my comfort zone and offered to speak to an audience of experts in gender and protection. This is a field where I am not very experienced. I spoke at the conference and was well-received by the audience. Authorities and leaders of the local Gender Office, other members of the gender-based violence professionals encouraged and congratulated me so much. I felt brilliant thanks to the Nyota program💫 which gives me new wings.


Thanks to Nyota⭐.

Linda’s story shows the power of personal courage and the power of using our own learning to lift up those around us. At Impact Now, we’re privileged and proud to be part of NYOTA.

Please join us, and give today. Your donation ensures that we can continue to provide professional development, coaching, and mentoring support to women like Linda

PS: Look for stories of impact from other NYOTA participants in newsletters and blogs to come!


Linda Anokamba Etoy (middle) with other NYOTA cohort members.

Module 2 of NYOTA: Women and Leadership.